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Faculty of Language and Literature Studies

English Linguistics

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Bieswanger, Markus
Global Englishes in ELT and teacher education in Bavaria : progress and missed opportunities
Glocalising Teaching English as an International Language : New Perspectives for Teaching and Teacher Education in Germany
London : Routledge, 2021 (Routledge Advances in Teaching English as an International Language Series)
doi:10.4324/9781003090106 ...


Bieswanger, Markus; Becker, Annette
Introduction to English Linguistics. 5., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage
Tübingen : Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 2021. - XI, 218 S. . - (UTB; 2752)


Bieswanger, Markus
The local and the global in airline food
Talking about Food : The Social and the Global in Eating Communities
Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2020. - S. 57-77 . - (IMPACT; 47)

Bieswanger, Markus; Prado, Malila Carvalho de Almeida; Roberts, Jennifer
Pilot training and English as a Lingua Franca : some implications for the design of Aviation En ...
In: The ESPecialist Bd. 41 (2020) Heft 4
doi:10.23925/2318-7115.2020v41i4a7 ...


Bieswanger, Markus; Becker, Annette
Introduction to English Linguistics. 4., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage
Tübingen : UTB, 2017


Bieswanger, Markus
Aviation English : two distinct specialized registers
Variational text linguistics : revisiting register in English
Berlin : de Gruyter, 2016. - S. 67-86 . - (Topics in English Linguistics; 90)
doi:10.1515/9783110443554-005 ...

Bieswanger, Markus
Electronically-Mediated Englishes : Synchronicity Revisited
English in Computer-Mediated Communication : variation, representation, and change
Berlin : de Gruyter, 2016. - S. 281-300 . - (Topics in English Linguistics; 93)


Bieswanger, Markus
Variational pragmatics and responding to thanks – revisited
In: Multilingua Bd. 34 (2015) Heft 4. - S. 527-546
doi:10.1515/multi-2014-0106 ...


Bieswanger, Markus
Applied linguistics and air traffic control : focus on language awareness and intercultural com ...
Aviation Communication : between Theory and Practice
Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2013. - S. 15-31

Bieswanger, Markus; Sand, Andrea
Electronic Discourse : introduction
Anglistentag 2012 Potsdam : Proceedings
Trier : Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013. - S. 325-327 . - (Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English; 34)

Bieswanger, Markus
Micro-linguistic structural features of computer-mediated communication
Pragmatics of Computer-Mediated Communication
Berlin : de Gruyter, 2013. - S. 463-485 . - (Handbooks of Pragmatics; 9)


New Approaches to the Study of Linguistic Variability
Hrsg.: Bieswanger, Markus; Koll-Stobbe, Amei
Frankfurt a. M. : Lang, 2013 . - (Sprachkönnen und Sprachbewusstheit in Europa; 4)

Bieswanger, Markus
New Approaches to the Study of Linguistic Variability
New Approaches to the Study of Linguistic Variability
Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2013. - S. IX-XI . - (Sprachkönnen und Sprachbewusstheit in Europa; 4)


Bieswanger, Markus
Varieties of English in the curriculum
Codification, Canons and Curricula : Description and Prescription in Language and Literature
Bielefeld : Aisthesis, 2012. - S. 359-371 . - (Bielefelder Schriften zu Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft; 26)


Bieswanger, Markus; Intemann, Frauke
Patterns and variation in language use in English-based online discussion forums
Muster und Variation : medienlinguistische Perspektiven auf Textproduktion und Text
Bern : Lang, 2011. - S. 157-188 . - (Sprache in Kommunikation und Medien; 2)

Bieswanger, Markus
The sociolinguistics of texting : methodological considerations and empirical results
In: Sprache und Datenverarbeitung Bd. 35 (2011) Heft 1. - S. 7-24


Bieswanger, Markus
Gendered language use in computer-mediated communication : typography in text messaging
Language in its Socio-Cultural Context : New Explorations in Gendered, Global and Media Uses
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2010. - S. 157-172


Bieswanger, Markus; Becker, Annette
Introduction to English Linguistics. 3., überarb. und aktualisierte Aufl.
Tübingen : Francke, 2010

Bieswanger, Markus; Motschenbacher, Heiko; Mühleisen, Susanne
Language in its socio-cultural context : new explorations in gendered, global and media uses
Language in its Sociocultural Context : New Explorations of Gendered, Global and Media Uses
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2010. - S. 9-19


Language in its Socio-cultural Context : New Explorations in Gendered, Global and Media Uses
Hrsg.: Bieswanger, Markus; Motschenbacher, Heiko; Mühleisen, Susanne
Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2010. - 253 S.


Bieswanger, Markus; Becker, Annette
Introduction to English Linguistics. 2., aktualisierte Aufl.
Tübingen : Francke, 2008

Bieswanger, Markus
Varieties Of English in current English language teaching
In: Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Bd. 38 (2008) Heft 1. - S. 27-47


Bieswanger, Markus
2 abbrevi8 or not 2 abbrevi8: A contrastive analysis of different space- and time-saving strate ...
In: Texas Linguistic Forum Bd. 50 (2007)

Bieswanger, Markus
Language and Education
Handbook of Language and Communication : diversity and change
Berlin : de Gruyter, 2007. - S. 401-427 . - (Handbooks of Applied Linguistics; 9)


Becker, Annette; Bieswanger, Markus
Introduction to English Linguistics
Tübingen : Francke, 2006


Bieswanger, Markus
German influence on Australian English
Heidelberg : Winter, 2004. - VIII, 197 S.


Bieswanger, Markus
Abgrenzen oder Entgrenzen? : Zur Produktivität von Grenzen
Hrsg.: Bieswanger, Markus; Neudecker, Claudia; Boatca, Manuela; Grzega, Joachim; Rinke, Stefan; Strobl, Christine
Frankfurt (Main) : IKO, 2003

Bieswanger, Markus; Boatca, Manuela; Grzega, Joachim; Neudecker, Claudia; Rinke, Stefan; Strobl, Christine
Zur Produktivität von Sprachgrenzen : Deutsch-englischer Sprachkontakt und seine Auswirkungen a ...
Abgrenzen oder Entgrenzen? Zur Produktivität von Grenzen
Frankfurt (Main) : IKO, 2003. - S. 201-220

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Univ.Prof.Dr. Markus Bieswanger

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